becoming infinite

always learning. always growing. always lifting heavy things.

tuesday rundown: home stretch.


i’m taking a break before i go get some coffee and plow through the makings of an exam key.

last night was my first evening/night in my new place. the movers were early (!!) and very lovely guys. they hauled my heavy stuff in, and i christened my kitchen by making myself an egg and cheese burrito for lunch.

and when i got home from teaching at about 7pm, i immediately recalled one of my favorite things about living alone: walking around in my underwear. because it’s warm outside but i refuse to turn the a/c on unless it’s at least 80 degrees (cheap grad student alert). so i proceeded to make dinner/tomorrow’s (well, today’s) lunch in my undies. because i can.

10/10, would definitely recommend.

i also deadlifted a triple at 180# today – twice – and a double at 190#. and the double felt solid. six weeks ago i 99% failed a single at 200#. guess i’m getting stronger?!

this morning i squat and deadlifted and then took my easy, taper/race week training run, and have been eating relatively constantly ever since. leg days, man. they get me every time.

i have my doctoral committee lined up and confirmed. holy crap.

and one of my bestest friends from college asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. ::dying of excites::

three more days of classes. one more final project (which i really need to start). and windstream needs to process my request so homegirl can get some interwebz in her new place.

it’s tuesday. my life is awesome. time for coffee.


Author: jenn

impossible to define; indefinitely impossible. maybe i'll add more here later.

2 thoughts on “tuesday rundown: home stretch.

  1. Sounds like another busy week! Great job on the deadlifts. My back hurts just thinking about that much weight! Best of luck to you on Saturday! ..skip the deadlifts that day šŸ™‚

    • haha i moved my splits around to accommodate only one leg day this week – so sad!! so yesterday was my last hack at squats and deadlifts till after the race. thanks for the well-wishes – i’m hoping the weather cooperates and it goes well!

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